Network Analysis
Ovic engineers have significant experience of undertaking network analysis on a wide variety of systems ranging from discrete leakage control zones to large uncontrolled and bulk water transfer systems. The network analysis we undertake is generally linked to investigation work we undertake, but we have experience of a number of industry standard modelling tools and can rebuilds or run existing network models to suit our client's requirements. Our network field team is also experienced in deployment of pressure and flow monitoring loggers.
Pipeline Surge Analysis
Abnormal or frequent burst rates on pipeline can result from a number of causes. Ovic have undertaken a number of investigations where historical changes have not been undertaken from a holistic system viewpoint. The result is often that a system which once operating within an acceptable operating envelope is now operating outside it. Sometimes the solution is relatively simple, sometimes it is more complex and requires a phase approach. Using a combination of modelling tools, Ovic have undertaken a number of system analyses which have solved long standing operational problems, which is some cases was down to minor changes in operational maintenance practices. By highlighting the critical components in a system and making recommendations regarding the maintenance of these components, system reliability and burst rates can be dramatically reduced.